I have had such an urge of late to be sooo creative. I want to make something. I have so many ideas in my head and just can't commit to doing one. The main reason being money. I have a hard time spending money when it isn't for necessity. I go back and forth with reasons why I should or shouldn't buy the materials I would need at the time. I am a highly indecisive person. Wait, maybe I should say I can make decisions, but it takes a lot of reasoning and changing my mind several times to reach one.
Venture number one is: I want to paint. My cousin made this beautiful door sized abstract canvas painting and I have wanted to do one ever since. I would be starting from absolute scratch though, meaning I would need to purchase a canvas, paints, brushes, and all the other mediums I want to use. This will happen, I just can't bring my self to go on the spree of buying them at this point. Until then I will go crazy with ideas of the colors and looks I am going for. I do have a big bare spot on my wall, this is justification, right?
Venture number two is: I want to make a quilt. I absolutely love sewing. And doing it all by hand is my favorite. I find it so relaxing to sit and sew. I have actually sewn a queen size quilt before by hand, I believe I was in middle school, and I would sew on the weekends at my Granny's house. I loved it so much. I would sit and sew until my hands would literally freeze up like I had arthritis. Maybe I should have rested them before that point, hmmm? Well, material isn't cheap, but my greatest hinderance on this project is my indecisiveness. Which colors? I have some great color schemes in my head, now to pin-point one. Jeffery does need a new lightweight quilt for summer, so there is my justification for this one!
Venture number three is: This one takes no deciding at all. It is in fact a reality that will happen. It is my garden. This isn't much like the before mentioned projects, but is one of my greatest creative expressions, simply because it makes me feel so good to plot it out and dig in the dirt and watch something I have nurtured grow and provide my family with wonderful nutritious food. It is somewhat spiritual to me. I feel so one with the earth when I am working in my garden. The way things look right now, I will not be able to expand it like I wanted this year because I won't be able to get in my cold crops due to my drenched yard, but I look forward to it just the same.
So there you have it. All these creative juices just waiting to be squeezed. All in good time, all in good time!!